Basic Program
Print All Substrings of a given String | Java Program to print all substrings for a String04:36
Print all Palindromic Substrings | Find All Palindromic Substrings In a String05:21
Java Program || Magic Number || Check whether given number is Magic Number or not06:42
Program to Reverse A String in Java | Reverse A String | Reverse Words in a String in Java06:59
Java program to arrange array elements in ascending order04:54
Capitalize each word in the given string05:32
Count Number of Words in Given String01:48
Count number of spaces in the given String02:25
Main Method Overloading with examples01:48
Print Numbers from 1 to 10 without using loops02:16
Remove Duplicate Values in an Array06:46
How to Check Given String is Palindrome or Not | JAVA Program to Check String is Palindrome or not